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Current Issues (1)

Notice anything not working correctly? Report it!
The whois/rdap server for .tokyo and .shop are extremely unreliable. Not all required availability checks can be executed in a reasonable time at the moment. They stay in the queue and will be processed, when the situation gets better. Not sure when this will be, because these issues are going on for months.
added Deleted Domain Lists for 34 ngTLDs
.creditcard, .flowers, .new, .reise, .storage, .tickets, .watches, .abudhabi, .gent, .istanbul, .kids, .now, .lifestyle, .ruhr, .stockholm, .zuerich, .country, .property, .ngo, .ong, .versicherung, .hiphop, .rio, .radio, .osaka, .security, .diy, .food, .living, .bank, .krd, .physio, .sport, .tatar
Namecheap Expired .ai Domains
Expired .ai Domains are now auctioned off on Namecheap before they drop. They are also auctioned all the time and not just once per month now.
Namecheap Partner Auctions
The Namecheap Auctions list now has a column and filters for Namecheap Partner Auctions that are not directly offered by Namecheap. You can "exclude Partner Auctions" or "only show Partner Auctions".
added Deleted Domain Lists for 166 ngTLDs
.hamburg, .boo, .dad, .esq, .foo, .meme, .mov, .phd, .prof, .rsvp, .capetown, .durban, .joburg, .corsica, .mma, .kyoto, .nagoya, .okinawa, .ryukyu, .yokohama, .cymru, .vlaanderen, .accountant, .accountants, .actor, .adult, .apartments, .archi, .associates, .attorney, .audio, .auto, .bargains, .bingo, .black, .boston, .broker, .build, .builders, .cab, .camera, .camp, .cards, .careers, .catering, .ceo, .cheap, .claims, .cleaning, .computer, .condos, .contractors, .cooking, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .cruises, .dating, .degree, .dentist, .diamonds, .diet, .discount, .download, .exposed, .fail, .faith, .film, .fish, .fishing, .flights, .florist, .football, .forex, .forsale, .furniture, .futbol, .game, .garden, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .graphics, .gratis, .haus, .hockey, .holiday, .horse, .hospital, .hosting, .inc, .irish, .ist, .jewelry, .kaufen, .lease, .lgbt, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .luxe, .luxury, .maison, .markets, .mba, .menu, .moda, .mortgage, .movie, .organic, .plumbing, .poker, .porn, .promo, .racing, .recipes, .rehab, .reisen, .repair, .rodeo, .saarland, .salon, .sarl, .schule, .sex, .shoes, .singles, .ski, .soccer, .study, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .surf, .surgery, .taipei, .taxi, .tennis, .theater, .tienda, .town, .toys, .trading, .tube, .vacations, .villas, .vodka, .vote, .voyage, .webcam, .giving, .how, .shiksha, .soy, .tattoo, .tires, .viajes, .voto, .quebec, .madrid, .music, .koeln, .wien, .tirol, .cologne
added Deleted Domain Lists for 24 ccTLDs
.ge, .my, .tz, .lb, .bm, .mm, .mz, .pk, .bh, .vg, .ls, .ph, .zm, .ad, .ws, .cm, .bf, .cd, .gh, .kw, .mw, .sl, .na, .kn
added Deleted Domain Lists for 33 ngTLDs
.bond, .click, .one, .lat, .africa, .amsterdam, .brussels, .realtor, .paris, .love, .eco, .kiwi, .wales, .xin, .sexy, .forum, .realestate, .feedback, .bot, .bar, .rest, .zip, .ing, .wang, .gay, .eus, .gal, .scot, .barcelona, .swiss, .bayern, .nrw, .photo
added Deleted Domain Lists for 219 ngTLDs
.art, .agency, .blog, .buzz, .cfd, .cyou, .design, .digital, .fun, .group, .icu, .lol, .ltd, .sbs, .studio, .today, .vip, .work, .world, .email, .academy, .autos, .baby, .beauty, .best, .bet, .bid, .bio, .business, .cafe, .cam, .capital, .care, .casino, .center, .chat, .church, .city, .coach, .coffee, .college, .community, .company, .consulting, .cool, .earth, .education, .energy, .events, .expert, .family, .farm, .finance, .fit, .foundation, .fund, .fyi, .games, .global, .gmbh, .guru, .hair, .health, .help, .homes, .host, .house, .ink, .international, .land, .law, .llc, .london, .makeup, .market, .marketing, .media, .mom, .monster, .network, .ninja, .ooo, .party, .photography, .photos, .pics, .plus, .pub, .quest, .rent, .rip, .rocks, .run, .school, .services, .support, .systems, .team, .technology, .tips, .tools, .trade, .training, .uno, .ventures, .video, .wiki, .win, .works, .wtf, .zone, .charity, .yachts, .software, .social, .skin, .pink, .pictures, .pet, .motorcycles, .legal, .christmas, .boats, .watch, .wine, .yoga, .wedding, .vegas, .vet, .vision, .tours, .tax, .style, .stream, .solar, .show, .science, .sale, .red, .rentals, .report, .reviews, .properties, .partners, .pizza, .press, .productions, .onl, .moe, .money, .management, .men, .miami, .loans, .loan, .jetzt, .immo, .institute, .gallery, .gold, .golf, .guide, .fashion, .fitness, .frl, .estate, .exchange, .direct, .directory, .dog, .day, .casa, .cash, .clinic, .clothing, .codes, .contact, .boutique, .band, .beer, .bike, .blue, .auction, .construction, .dance, .date, .deals, .delivery, .dental, .doctor, .domains, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .express, .fans, .fan, .financial, .green, .healthcare, .holdings, .investments, .insure, .immobilien, .industries, .kim, .kitchen, .lawyer, .melbourne, .parts, .place, .restaurant, .review, .shopping, .srl, .sydney, .university, .vin
added Dynadot Closeout Domains
added Dynadot Appraisal/Valuation to the Dynadot Expired Auctions list
Removed GoDaddy Buy Now, Make Offer and Featured list
GoDaddy doesn't allow users to list domains directly with GoDaddy anymore. You have to list them on afternic now. Unfortunately I do not have access to afternic listed domains.
You can now select as your preferred registrar in your settings.
New Filter: Last Changed
The new filter only works for the GoDaddy with Bids list and the Namecheap Auctions list. It lets you filter domains that received a bid in the last x minutes.
Multi Factor Authentication
I've recently added an Email MFA system (Multi Factor Authentication). When activated, you will need to enter a one time use code, sent to your account email to log in. I know these MFA systems can get annoying, so you can use the "Remember me" cookie to allow your browser to skip the MFA.
MFA will be enabled for all accounts eventually, so make sure your email is correct or you will not be able to access your account anymore. If you want, you can already enable MFA yourself.
Removed Alexa
Removed alexa column and filters. The research list is based on the last updated alexa 1 mil websites csv from Feb, 1 2023. The domains on the list plus the corresponding alexa rank will obviously not change anymore, however the other domain infos will still be updated.
Deleted .ie domains work again
.dk drop process
It looks like .dk domains do not drop regularly anymore. The issues with it are now persistent for over a year, so I assume this is the new normal. I still check the droplist and if they do drop, you will find them in the deleted list, but I can't determine when that will be.
The alexa shut down is complete now
The alexa top 1m sites file still exists, but it does not seem to be updated anymore. The last update was 2023-02-01.
New Name Availability in TLD System
Besides the known "Name availability in TLD" system, you can now also use the new system based on the TLD Reg Column. The old system uses 34 fixed TLDs. Every name in the database is explicitly checked if it exists in the DNS. The new system is based on an index that contains all known domains. It regularly checks if the domain is still in the DNS. If a domain is not in the index, it is considered available. This doesn't work 100% for unknown domains, however it allows a faster update frequency and supports a lot more TLDs (~ 2,393). You can enter multiple TLDs, separated by a space. They are combined with an AND.
New Title for Reg Column
You can now see immediately the TLDs the domain name is registered in, when you hover over the Reg column with your mouse.
New Whois Fields and Filters
In the Column Manager under General you can now find the three whois date fields Created, Expiring and Last Changed. You can also select the Whois Nameservers and the Whois States. Obviously the fields are only filled if they exist in the whois.
There is filter for Nameservers. You separate multiple search words with a comma.
The States Filter needs some getting used to. The state names for gTLDs are uniform, but ccTLDs use mostly different names. You will see all of them in the filter and you have to select the correct name used by the TLD you are interested in.
The fields and filters currently only work in the domain lists. They do not exist in the domain name search. If you want one or more there, let me know.
Fixed GoDaddy auction end times
The GoDaddy Auctions FTP works again and all GoDaddy lists are updated now
.ar / domains seem to drop again.
New Bulk add/delete Links for Watchlist and Dislikes
With these links you can add/delete all domains on the current page to your watchlist or dislike list. I'm not sure where to put the links yet, so for now you can find them under the domain listing.
New exclude Make Offer Domains Filter
If you don't want to see Make Offer Domains, you can now use the exclude Make Offer Domains filter under the Common tab. It shows everything except for Make Offer Domains.
The .tv droplist is back again.
.ma domains seem to drop again.
The Namecheap list now has a changed column
It works the same as the changed column in the GoDaddy Auctions With Bids list. It indicates when the last bid was made. Auctions that receive a bid 15 minutes before the auction end will be highlighted.
Fixed the .md drop process. Looks okay again.
New Pinyin Word Combination Filter
New DNS Status TLD Columns for .xyz and .cz
Droptime for Expired .uk Domains
The .uk registry is now publishing the exact drop time for expired .uk domains. You can find the drop time for expired .uk domains by hovering over the end date in the pending delete list or on the domain details page.
Renamed Adwords to Google Ads
Removed Adwords Country Based Data Points
Country based data points (DE, US, UK) are not possible anymore.
The global search volume data will still be available.
Removed Adwords Category Filter
The new google ads api doesn't provide a categorization model anymore.
Fixed the wikipedia import
Adwords search volume data (search volume, competition, cpc)
The adwords api is gone now and the google ads api replacement does not provide the same features. At the moment it looks like I'm able to keep providing global search volume data, however the country based data points (DE, US, UK) are not possible anymore and will be removed. There is also no categorization model, so the "Adwords Products & Services Category" will also be removed.
2022-05-04 shut down May 1, 2022
At the moment the top 1m sites file still exists and is updated daily. It is expected that this will work until December 2022, however it might shut down earlier. The column was removed from the default column list. You can still add it to your listing using the column manager.
Deleted and Pending Delete .ai Domains
You can now find .ai domains in the pending delete list and there is also a deleted .ai list. .ai domains only drop once per month. At the end of the month they are auctioned and around the 5 or 6 of the next month they drop.
New Page: Domain Lists - When are they updated?
On the domain list page, you can find out when a domain list is usually updated (what hour). Click on the domain list to see when new domains where added to the list in the last 10 days.
All hours are in UTC.
Changed more column sorting (default-value last)
Dmoz, Yaca, SRUSR, MMGR, WBY and ABY now always put the default value at the bottom of the listing.
Changed the way default values are handled in sorting (for alexa as a test)
For the alexa column the default value 0 would always be at the top if you sort by alexa (small is better). The old way of fixing this issue was to just filter out all 0 values before sorting.
The new solution is to put all default values always at the bottom of the listing when sorted by the column. This way you can sort by alexa and still see all domains you selected (0 values always at the bottom).
If you want to use the old way, you can use the "only with Alexa Rank" filter. There are more columns with this default value issue. I will switch the solution for these as well, if the alexa test works out. Let me know if you encounter an issue with this.
New List: Auctions
You can now also look through the auctions.
Deletion process for .ng / works again
Deletion process for .club works again
New Filter: Word Length for Dictionary Word Domains
The word length filter for dictionary word domains allows to specify the length of words at specific positions in the domain name. This is different then the domain name length filter, because this filter specifies the length of single words found inside the domain name in the specific language.
For example: The name ExpiredDomains is two words with seven characters each. If you want to find domains like that you would enter "7 7".
The filter only works in domain lists and not in the domain name search.
New Filter: All words start with the same letter
In the "Dictionary Word Domains" box, select the language you want and the "All words start with the same letter" filter. This will result in domains like this:,,
If you want to look for specific starting letters, you can use the starts with filter to define them.
The filter only works in domain lists and not in the domain name search.
Pending delete .us / .biz
I have a pending delete list for .us and .biz again. Deleted domains are also back.
Redish Dark Mode Theme
In your settings you can now select the primary color theme of the dark mode. At the moment three modes are supported. Blue, Red and Orange.
Dislike Domains
You can now mark domains you dislike in your listings. Domains you marked as disliked will be highlighted visually, however they are not removed from your listings. You will still see them when ever they come up, just marked as disliked. If you do not want to use the dislike system, you can disable it in your settings.