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28. Oct 2019

TLD Reg CountFind all registered Domain Names containing your Keyword plus Reg TLD Count

This tool lets you find all registered domain names containing your keyword. It also shows in how many TLDs the name is currently registered in. Use the domain details page to see exactly which TLDs are registered/available. A link menu will pop up when you click on the domain name.

The search index for this tool currently includes 186 million unique names that are at least registered in one of 2,789 supported TLDs (981 top level and 1,628 second level). The index is constantly being updated. Newly registered names are added and the availability counts are updated.

You can enable Camel Casing and the RDT Column (Related Domains starts with/ends with) in the filter area. The "Dot Search" is also supported. It allows for some interesting research queries like: What names are registered in most TLDs? What 5 character names with one number are registered in most TLDs?

Note: The availability of domain names in this tool is based on DNS! It might show domain names as available if the DNS is not set up correct. Use the registrar links to check if a domain name is really available.

30. Apr 2019

Bulk Domain SearchCheck any List of Domains and find out if they are listed here

Copy a list of domains into the Bulk Domain Search and if they are listed, view them with the gathered domain data in the corresponding domain list. You can use formated lists with domains on different lines or just html or any other text format containing domain names.

How could this be useful? One example would be old droplists. You want to know what happened to these domains? Are they available, are they for sale anywhere? You can now just check that from time to time. However this is not limited to droplists! You can input any domain list. If the domains on it are listed, you will find out and can view them. It works similar to the NameJet Most Active Mail Parser, but for all supported domain lists not just NameJet.

Because of limitations with the max length of URLs browsers and webservers can handle, the domain list is stored in the database and you use a key to access it. The key is a hash created from the domain list and changes every time you enter different domains. This allows for much bigger domain lists to be supported. The current max limit is 50k domains per list and you can create as many as you want. If a list is not used for 4 weeks, it will be deleted automatically.

I'm not quite happy with this yet, but the key created by the search also works in your saved searches. However when you change the domains you want to monitor, you have to create a new key and that means you have to recreate your saved searches that use the key! This can probably be done a lot better. If you have suggestions/ideas how it should work, let me know. btw. If you use a key in your saved searches, it will not be deleted after 4 weeks!

04. Sep 2018

GEO Domains3 New Columns to find GEO Domains

The GEO domain check looks for geo location names like city names, country names and a lot more in domain names. There are now 3 new columns in the column managers that might be interesting for you if you are looking for GEO domains. The GEO column is an indicator what kind of geo match the domain name has. There are now 4 geo states a domain can be in.

  • -: No geo match found
  • PA: Partial match. Some part of the domain name is a geo match. This could be or The domain name contains a geo name plus something else.
  • CO: Combination match. The domain is a combination of geo names. e.g. or even The domain name consists only out of geo names.
  • DI: Direct Hit = 100% match. e.g. or

The GEOC column contains the geo countries and the GEOD column is a details column. It contains the geo name that matches with some additional information. What kind of geo name it is and from what country. So for example Berlin is a German city, but it is also a city on the United States. For you would see Berlin in this column and when you hover over it with your mouse you would see "Germany (City), Unites States (City)". I've also added links to the columns. All of them go to and contain the domain name or if possible the geo match with the country name or tag.

The GEO filters are the same.

  • only Geo Domains: show Partial, Combination and Direct
  • only 100% Geo and Geo Combinations: show Combination and Direct
  • only 100% Geo Domains: show only Direct
  • Country: select what country the geo match has to be from

The GEOD columns is currently not in the domain name search (top right corner search box), so the informations can't be used in the search yet. I need to upgrade the search cluster before I can add it there as well.

04. Sep 2018

Dot Search with Multiple KeywordsSearch for up to 30 Keywords at once in all Domainlists

A lot of people are already using the Dot Search to Check all Domainlists in one go. With the Dot Search you can now use the Domain Name Allowlist filters to check for up to 30 Keywords in all Domainlist in one go.

Normally if you enter multiple words in the domain name search it only finds domains that contain all entered words. If you enter "Berlin Wall" you would find or, but not nor That is because all words are combined with an AND. Written out the search is like this: Find Domains with "Berlin" and "Wall" in the domain name.
If you enter a "." in the Domain Name Search and "Berlin Wall" in the Domain Name Allowlist contains filter, you will find Domains that contain Berlin or Wall.

!IMPORTANT!: The search server still has a 5 second timeout! If you enter words that are to common without any other filters you will probably hit the timeout and will not see anything. So show me all domains containing "the or ing" will not work! You need to try out what works and what doesn't. Basically the more domains the search result will contain, the more time it will take to sort the results and the more likely it will be that you hit the timeout. Also just using the Domain Name Blocklist filters still doesn't work. However if you use at least one Allowlist filter, the Blocklist filters will also work.

27. Nov 2017

All-in-one Deleted Domain ListAll Deleted Domains of the last 7 days in one Domain List

Monitoring over 100 Deleted Domain lists every day is tedious and time consuming. Also the number of supported TLDs will soon rise to over 200 and every additional TLD makes the process of staying up to date even harder. That is why I'm happy to announce a new Deleted Domain list that combines all supported TLDs into one list.

The new combined list will keep all deleted domains for 7 days. After 7 days the domain will be deleted automatically from the list, however it will still be available in the deleted .tld list and in the domain name search. The combined list is only there to make checking for new deleted domains easier and reduce the need to check multiple lists every day. You can also just save one search with the TLDs you want to monitor, instead of multiple saved searches for every TLD.

Everything that you do right now will stay the same. All domains will be added to the deleted .tld list at the same time as they are added to the combined list. All saved searches will work just like before, however you might be able to simplify them if you want.

The limitation on 7 days is necessary, because the database tables are extremely big and the bigger the table, the slower searching gets. That is why the splitting of deleted domain on TLDs will stay for everything older than 7 days.

If you use the domain name search (.dot search) with a deleted domain list filter and a time filter, than this is basically the same. The difference is that the combined list is updated immediately (the domain name search is not instant) and that some specific filters are available, like the pattern filters that do not work using the domain name search.

The TLD filter in the combined list might not contain the TLD you are looking for. The filter is updated automatically based on TLDs that are currently in the list. If a TLD is not present, it will not be shown in the filter. This can happen for TLDs that do not have domains dropping every day. So very small TLDs or TLDs with monthly drop cycles (.jp, .br ...). If you want to save a search with such TLDs, you have to wait until at least one domain is present in the list.

23. May 2017

Search through all Domains in the Database in one goWithout entering a keyword, just using filters

I noticed that some smart people have figured something out I thought was impossible and I want to share it with everyone. You can use the domain name search in the top right corner without a keyword. That makes stuff like this possible in one search without checking every domain lists separate.

  • Show all Domains with TF >= 20
  • Show all Domains that are in the Top Majestic Million
  • Show all Domains with a SEMRush Rank
  • Show all Numeric .com Domains with length = 5
  • and a lot more...

You can basically search through all domains in the database using your filters in one search. Of course you can also add the "only new last xx" filters to keep track of newly added domains. To make this work, you have to enter just a dot (.) into the search field and click on search. After that you can setup your filters. This was not intended to work, but it does and it makes certain searches a lot easier.

The domain name search uses a separate search engine, running on separate servers. It combines all domains from the regular database in one index. The index is getting updated all the time, but it is not a real time index! So if you want to monitor the .com drop, you better use the domain list for that!

It provides a very powerful full text search, but it has also all domain attributes attached to every entry. The focus of this system is the full text search and that is very fast. Only using the attributes to search is possible, but it is a lot slower and that is a limiting factor! There is a 5 second timeout defined for any search. If your search takes longer, you will not see any domains! The more domains your search result includes the slower it gets and it might not work at all. Being very specific is key here. Show me all .com domains will not work!

21. Oct 2016

Number of Related Domains for every Domain NameNew Related Domains Fields and Filters

You can now find a couple of new fields in the Column Manager that show you the number of Related Domains for the Domain Name. A domain is considered a Related Domain if it starts or ends with the supplied domain name. The complete domain name is used for the check. Hyphens or numbers are not removed! If the domain is "", the check would look for domains starting/ending with "123domain-name".

The database used for this is compiled every day using the CNOBI zonefiles. You can choose from 3 sets of fields. If you are only interested in .com, you can use the .com only fields or use the combination fields for CNO or CNOBI. Short domains are not checked (under 4 characters).

You can use the Related Domains Tool to make a live check and see the corresponding domains.

15. Oct 2016

Expired Domains with Wikipedia LinksFind Domain Names linked from

You can now find a new field in all domain lists. Wikipedia Links is the sum of links a Domain Name has from all Databases. There is of course also a min/max filter for the field and if you are only interested in certain Wikipedia Databases, you can select up to 10 using the Wikipedia Database filter. You can add the field to your listings using the Column Manager.

Before you register any of these Domains, you should check if the links are still present and from what kind of articles they are. You can easily check this by clicking on the number in the Wikipedia Links column. I build a small script that lists the Databases + Number of Links in that Database and the Number of Unique Articles. After that is a Link to the Wikipedia External Links Search where you can find the specific articles and check if they are still active.

All Domains and all Wikipedia Database will be update once per month. If there is interest, I can also provide the same for other Wikimedia websites like wiktionary, wikibooks, wikiquote... Let me know.

31. May 2016

New Domain List and Improved GoDaddy ImplementationGoDaddy Auctions with Bids and faster Updates for GoDaddy Closeouts

Today the implementation of the GoDaddy TDNAM Domains (all GoDaddy lists) got improved. Before I only used the GoDaddy Export Files to include their Domain Inventory into the Website. That works great, but the Export Files only update once per day so some information could be old. Now I also use the GoDaddy API to update the domain lists and that improves the quality a lot.

GoDaddy Closeouts

Everyone who uses the GoDaddy Closeout list probably knows this feeling. You find a Domain you want to buy and click on it only to find out that it is already sold. That is frustrating, I know...
Good news, the possibility of that happening is now a lot smaller, because the list gets updated every 30 minutes and sold Domains get removed!

New Domain List: GoDaddy Auctions With Bids

With the new system I update all GoDaddy Auctions with Bids every minute in all GoDaddy lists. This is great for the quality of the pricing information, but also lets you see what auctions receive bids so why not add these domains into a separate list.

You can now see all Expired Auctions + Public Auctions and Value Auctions that have bids in the GoDaddy Auctions with Bids List. There is also a new filter for the list that lets you filter by auction type (Expired, Public or Value) and the list has a new column (Changed) you can sort by.
Changed is a timestamp that updates when the auction receives a new bid. It's fun to monitor what domains get bids and figure out why.

GoDaddy Auctions that receive a bid in the last minutes of the auction will be extended! This means you can use this list to notice auction sniping and join the auction before it ends!

27. Nov 2015

Central Listing for all your Watchlist DomainsAll Domains on one Page with Filters and Sorting

You can now find all Domains on your Watchlist in one Listing. The Listing works like every other Domainlist with Filters and Sorting. You can find the Link to your Watchlist Listing in your User Menu by clicking on your Username or at the end of the normal Domainlist Navigation. If you don't see these links, you have disabled the Watchlist in your Settings. You can enable or disable it at any time.

The Watchlist Listing doesn't use caches for the Domain Counter and some Filters. They are generated on the fly and because of that the more Domains you have on your Watchlist, the slower the Listing gets. I don't think it is noticeable yet, but just keep it in mind. If you don't need a Domain on your Watchlist anymore, remove it and the speed will increase.

Domains stay on your Watchlist even if they get removed from the Domain List you've added them from. So it is possible to add a Domain from the Pending Delete List and see if it is available for Registration after the Drop. Also all Domain Stats for your Watchlist Domains will be refreshed regularly. Under the Watchlist Listing you can find some Links that can help you bulk remove Domains from your Watchlist.


added Deleted Domain Lists for 34 ngTLDs
.creditcard, .flowers, .new, .reise, .storage, .tickets, .watches, .abudhabi, .gent, .istanbul, .kids, .now, .lifestyle, .ruhr, .stockholm, .zuerich, .country, .property, .ngo, .ong, .versicherung, .hiphop, .rio, .radio, .osaka, .security, .diy, .food, .living, .bank, .krd, .physio, .sport, .tatar


Namecheap Expired .ai Domains
Expired .ai Domains are now auctioned off on Namecheap before they drop. They are also auctioned all the time and not just once per month now.


Namecheap Partner Auctions
The Namecheap Auctions list now has a column and filters for Namecheap Partner Auctions that are not directly offered by Namecheap. You can "exclude Partner Auctions" or "only show Partner Auctions".


added Deleted Domain Lists for 166 ngTLDs
.hamburg, .boo, .dad, .esq, .foo, .meme, .mov, .phd, .prof, .rsvp, .capetown, .durban, .joburg, .corsica, .mma, .kyoto, .nagoya, .okinawa, .ryukyu, .yokohama, .cymru, .vlaanderen, .accountant, .accountants, .actor, .adult, .apartments, .archi, .associates, .attorney, .audio, .auto, .bargains, .bingo, .black, .boston, .broker, .build, .builders, .cab, .camera, .camp, .cards, .careers, .catering, .ceo, .cheap, .claims, .cleaning, .computer, .condos, .contractors, .cooking, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .cruises, .dating, .degree, .dentist, .diamonds, .diet, .discount, .download, .exposed, .fail, .faith, .film, .fish, .fishing, .flights, .florist, .football, .forex, .forsale, .furniture, .futbol, .game, .garden, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .graphics, .gratis, .haus, .hockey, .holiday, .horse, .hospital, .hosting, .inc, .irish, .ist, .jewelry, .kaufen, .lease, .lgbt, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .luxe, .luxury, .maison, .markets, .mba, .menu, .moda, .mortgage, .movie, .organic, .plumbing, .poker, .porn, .promo, .racing, .recipes, .rehab, .reisen, .repair, .rodeo, .saarland, .salon, .sarl, .schule, .sex, .shoes, .singles, .ski, .soccer, .study, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .surf, .surgery, .taipei, .taxi, .tennis, .theater, .tienda, .town, .toys, .trading, .tube, .vacations, .villas, .vodka, .vote, .voyage, .webcam, .giving, .how, .shiksha, .soy, .tattoo, .tires, .viajes, .voto, .quebec, .madrid, .music, .koeln, .wien, .tirol, .cologne


added Deleted Domain Lists for 24 ccTLDs
.ge, .my, .tz, .lb, .bm, .mm, .mz, .pk, .bh, .vg, .ls, .ph, .zm, .ad, .ws, .cm, .bf, .cd, .gh, .kw, .mw, .sl, .na, .kn